Ardent Piano is a one stop shop for all of your piano needs.
Piano tuning is the act of making minute adjustments to the tensions of the strings of a piano to properly align the intervals between their tones so that the instrument is in tune. The meaning of the term in tune in the context of piano tuning is not simply a particular fixed set of pitches. Fine piano tuning requires an assessment of the interaction between notes, which is different for every piano, thus in practice requiring slightly different pitches from any theoretical standard. Ardent Piano tunes to a modified version of the system called equal temperament
One of our skilled technicians working on a piano
Regular Tuning
In order for a piano to play at its most optimal level of sound quality, we recommend getting your piano tuned every 6 months. Keeping your piano properly updated on tunings can do a couple of things for you. One, as you learn to play you will get used to hearing the right sounds and you will ultimately train your ear to help you play better over time. Practicing on an out of tune piano can cause you to associate the wrong sounds with the notes you are supposed to be playing. Second, allowing your piano to fall too far out of tune may cause more damage to it than you realize. While our technicians are doing regular tunings they also are there to make sure there are no other parts of the piano that are in danger of being too stressed, breaking or needing adjustments. If you continue to play on a piano that needs adjustments on the many moving parts it can cause parts to break over time and ultimately cost you more in the end.
Major Pitch Raise
Peak Inside A Grand Piano
Sometimes pianos can fall more out of tune than usual. If it has been through a move, or if it has been longer than 6 months before it was last tuned it may need a Major Pitch Raise. Ardent Piano offers its “Major Pitch Raise” type of tuning service for pianos that we find in this situation. This involves a longer process for tuning, going over the strings multiple times to make sure the tension on the strings stays where it needs to be by the time the technician is done. If it has been too long this process may require multiple visits to get the strings to be used to staying at the proper tension and therefore the piano at its proper pitch. Just like most things, the longer it sits in one condition the harder it will be to bring it back to the proper condition.
Piano Action
There are many repairs a piano can potentially need. When buying a used piano from an individual as opposed to a piano dealer, you will run into the instrument needing many repairs because these types of pianos have usually been neglegted for a very long time. Our technicians are capable of doing any repair a piano needs and will give an estimate for whatever work the instrument needs in order to get it up to its proper working order. It is always a good idea to get a professionals opinion about the repairs a piano may need before deciding to buy one that seems like a cheap deal. Most likely what may seem like a good deal can run you thousands of dollars in repairs and you are better off buying an already properly working piano.
Hammer Reshape- Creating a new striking surface to produce and improve the sound of the piano!
There are cases however, that the piano you have is your pride and joy and you are ready to make sure its up to speed. Our technicians are here to help make any adjustments, or repairs needed for it to be a wonderfully playable instrument again.
Piano Key Recondition
Ardent Piano is capable of complete piano restoration as well. Whether your instrument needs refinished, fire damage restoration, pest damage restoration or has been water damaged, Ardent piano will have a solution for you. Even if the damage seems impossible to fix, our technicians can come give an estimate for the damage and if it ends up being more than the piano is worth they will explain that and help out by hauling the old piano away and helping with the purchase of a new one. Whether we are fixing your current piano or helping replace it, we will be there during the diffucult time making sure you have someone who can answer all of your questions and be there for you.
Lets Get Your Piano Ready to Play!
If your piano needs tuning or repair fill out the form below and we will contact you.